Databases By Title

Reader's Guide Retrospective

Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature, the standard index to articles in magazines, covering from 1890 to 1982.

Readex - AllSearch

Easily search across the entire ReadEx historic documents collections from a single search box. These collections include American Historical Imprints (Civil War Broadsides and Ephemera, Evans, and the American Civil War Collection), American Historical Newspapers, American State Papers, House and Senate Journals, Senate Executive Journals, and U.S. Congressional Set.

Red Book

The Red Book is considered the preeminent resource on pediatric infectious disease. Now in its 31st edition, it provides the most up-to-date information on a wide variety of infectious diseases that physicians encounter in children. Some of the features of this online version include a Vaccine Status Table, recommended immunization schedules, influenza resources, and a visual library of more than 3,000 images for use in diagnosis and presentations. It also contains links to recent research and the latest clinical recommendations for COVID-19.

Reference USA

The Libraries' subscription to this resource will end on 12/31/2023. For assistance in identifying an alternative resource(s), please email
Find detailed information on 14 million US businesses, 100 million households, and nearly 1 million physicians and dentists. Searchable by name, line of business, geographic location, sales, and other parameters.

Refinitiv Workspace (Now LSEG)

Register for access through Workspace's self-registration process using your WVU MIX or MAIL email account.

LSEG (formerly known as Refinitiv Workspace or Refinitiv Eikon) is a platform that features market trends, company financial and deals data, private equity and venture capital, breaking news, and After Market Research reports by leading analysts and firms. LSEG (formerly Refinitiv Workspace / Refinitiv Eikon) replaces Thomson One. For assistance getting started with LSEG, please see the Refinitiv Workspace Academic Quick Start Guide or Refinitiv Workspace (Formerly Thomson One) User Guide.

Regional Business News (Courtesy of WVInfoDepot)

Business News incorporates 75 business journals, newspapers and news wires covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Provided by the West Virginia Library Commission with funds from the WV State Legislature and the Library Services and Technology Act administered by the Institute of Library and Museum Services.

Religious and Theological Abstracts

This provides objective summaries of articles appearing in scholarly journals in the fields of Religion and Theology. It lists a wide variety of periodical literature, including Christian, Jewish, and other World religions. It provides English language abstracts of articles in English, Hebrew, Afrikaans, and major European languages.

Researchers Dataset (ICRG Table 3B - Political Risk)

The ICRG Researchers Dataset Table 3B provides annual averages of the 12 components of ICRG's Political Risk Ratings (Table 3B), as published in the International Country Risk Guide. Average ratings are provided for all countries covered by ICRG from 1984 through the last full calendar year.

Richard K. Miller & Associates Market Research Handbooks

Annual handbooks summarizing latest consumer market research for leisure, sports, restaurant,travel, healthcare, and entertainment.

RILM Abstracts of Musical Literature

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature is a comprehensive music index of publications from 184 countries and in 140 languages. Coverage extends back to the 1800s on traditional music, popular music, and classical music topics.

Roper iPoll

Provided by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at Cornell University, Roper iPoll is the largest collection of public opinion poll data with results from 1935 to the present. Roper iPoll contains nearly 800,000 questions and over 23,000 datasets from both U.S. and international polling firms. Surveys cover any number of topics including, social issues, politics, pop culture, international affairs, science, the environment, and much more. When available, results charts, demographic crosstabs and full datasets are provided for immediate download.

Russian Science Citation Index

Part of Web of Science, provides bibliographic information and citations to scholarly articles from Russian researchers in over 500 science, technology, medical, and education journals. Leading publications have been carefully selected and provided by the Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY.RU), Russia's largest research information provider.