Databases By Title

Baptists, Quakers, and Independent Church Periodicals, 1797-1881

Periodical collection presents the growth of the Baptist church and contains periodicals representing smaller church communities such as the New Jerusalem Church, Quakers, Shakers, Mennonites, Moravians, Brethren, and Church of God. Part of the American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collections.


BenchSci is a free online platform designed to help scientists find antibodies from publications. Their proprietary machine-learning algorithm was trained by PhD-level scientists to identify and understand the usage of commercial antibodies in the research literature. When searching for a specific protein target, BenchSci curates published data in the form of figures to simplify the literature search process. The figures can then be filtered by specific experimental contexts cited in the paper such as techniques, tissue, cell lines, and more, to help users pinpoint antibodies that have been published under experimental conditions matching their study interest. BenchSci is freely accessible to all scientists with a or affiliated emails at

Bibliography of the History of Art

The Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) is a comprehensive bibliography of scholarly writing about the history of western art.

Biodiversity Heritage Library

The Biodiversity Heritage Library is an open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. BHL's global consortium of natural history, botanical, and research libraries cooperate to digitize and make their collections accessible as a part of a global “biodiversity commons".

Biological Abstracts - See Biosis Previews

Find high-impact articles from peer-reviewed, influential journals in the biosciences.

Biopolymers Online

Biopolymers Online provides a comprehensive overview of the occurrence, metabolism, and applications of all important biopolymer classes. This reference work treats processes for biotechnological production, isolation from organisms and modification, material properties and technical uses in areas such as chemical and food industries, medicine, pharmacy, and materials science. Covers the whole field of biopolymers from an application-oriented and biotechnological point of view and is comprised of approximately 180 articles with over 1500 figures and 600 tables Lists approximately 500 biopolymers and more than 3000 organisms related to the production of biopolymers. Also includes extensive patent information.

BIOSIS Previews

Index to life sciences and biomedical research covering pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies, and more in high-impact articles from peer-reviewed, influential journals.

Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Online

Provides access to the most authoritative and up-to-date scholarship in the field of sociology.

British Periodicals

Digital images of 500 periodicals, published from the 1680s to the 1930s, tracing the development and growth of the periodical press in Britain from its origins in the seventeenth century through to the Victorian 'age of periodicals.'

Browzine Web

Browzine Web is now available from the WVU Libraries. This web-based version of BrowZine can be used in any internet browser and does not require a mobile device. BrowZine is also available as an app for both the Apple and Android mobile environments. Browzine Web allows you to browse WVU online journals by subject, or look up your favorite title. BrowZine can also help you create a personal virtual bookshelf of favorite journals.

BuildingGreen Suite

The BuildingGreen Suite of online tools provides information on green design. This online resource features comprehensive, practical information on a wide range of topics related to sustainable building--from energy efficiency and recycled-content materials to land-use planning and indoor air quality.

Business Source Alumni Edition

Articles from business and trade magazines, available to members of the WVU Alumni Association.

Business Source Complete

Business research database, providing full text for 8,800 periodicals, including 1,100 peer-reviewed publications, plus company profiles. Subjects covered include marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics.

Business Source Elite (Courtesy of WVInfoDepot)

This business database provides full text for over 1,000 business publications. The rich collection of titles in Business Source Elite provides information dating back to 1985. More than 10,100 substantial company profiles from Datamonitor are also included.