Data Databases

Refinitiv Workspace (Now LSEG)

Register for access through Workspace's self-registration process using your WVU MIX or MAIL email account.

LSEG (formerly known as Refinitiv Workspace or Refinitiv Eikon) is a platform that features market trends, company financial and deals data, private equity and venture capital, breaking news, and After Market Research reports by leading analysts and firms. LSEG (formerly Refinitiv Workspace / Refinitiv Eikon) replaces Thomson One. For assistance getting started with LSEG, please see the Refinitiv Workspace Academic Quick Start Guide or Refinitiv Workspace (Formerly Thomson One) User Guide.

Collins Bartholomew Mobile Coverage Data

The Collins Bartholomew Mobile Coverage Explorer GIS collection is a set of ESRI shapefiles that shows mobile network coverage on a global level. This data can be broken down by provider, data type, country, and year, and is usable with ArcGIS, QGIS, or other mapping software that can use shp shapefiles.

Data Citation Index

Discover research data, including data studies, data sets from a wide range of international data repositories and connect them with the scientific literature to track data citation. This is part of Web of Science.

The DMPTool is a free, open-source, online application that helps researchers create data management plans. These plans, or DMPs, are now required by many funding agencies as part of the proposal submission process. The DMPTool provides a click-through wizard for creating a DMP that complies with funder requirements. It also has direct links to funder websites, help text for answering questions, and resources for best practices surrounding data management.

ICPSR -Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research

ICPSR is the world's largest collection of digital social science data which can be used for secondary research, instructional activities, and to write articles, papers or theses - set up MyData account to begin. First-time users will be asked to create an ICPSR MyData account which must be done from an on-campus computer. Once the account is created, access is from anywhere. The account remains active for 6 months, after which time it must be reactivated from an on-campus computer.

LSEG (formerly Refinitiv WorkSpace)

Register for access through Workspace's self-registration process using your WVU MIX or MAIL email account.

LSEG (formerly known as Refinitiv Workspace or Refinitiv Eikon) is a platform that features market trends, company financial and deals data, private equity and venture capital, breaking news, and After Market Research reports by leading analysts and firms. LSEG (formerly Refinitiv Workspace / Refinitiv Eikon) replaces Thomson One. For assistance getting started with LSEG, please see the Refinitiv Workspace Academic Quick Start Guide or Refinitiv Workspace (Formerly Thomson One) User Guide.

OECD iLibrary Statistics

Statistics from the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, including key tables, searchable data sets, and fact books. All content prior to 2017 is available, and select content after 2017 is available through the "read online" option.

Qualitative Data Repository (QDR)

Access qualitative and multi-method research datasets housed at Syracuse University. QDR allows researchers to store and preserve data and provides consultation through their Data Management Plans (DMP). Users will need to create an account in order to download data.

Roper iPoll

Provided by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research at Cornell University, Roper iPoll is the largest collection of public opinion poll data with results from 1935 to the present. Roper iPoll contains nearly 800,000 questions and over 23,000 datasets from both U.S. and international polling firms. Surveys cover any number of topics including, social issues, politics, pop culture, international affairs, science, the environment, and much more. When available, results charts, demographic crosstabs and full datasets are provided for immediate download.

Social Explorer

Features demographic research mapping tools that allow for demographic data analysis. The main goal is to visually display the demographic change that has occurred in the U.S. since 1790 through present down to the zip code or a city block level.


A statistics portal that integrates data on over 60,000 topics from over 18,000 sources onto a single professional platform - categorized into 21 market sectors, providing direct access to quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets

Statistical Abstract of the United States

Provides comprehensive summary of statistics on these major topics: Population, Health, Education, Crime, Environment, Government, Human Services, Labor Force, Income, Prices, Business, Science, Agriculture, Energy, Construction, Manufacturing, Trade, Transportation, Information and Communication, Finance, and Arts. The source notes can be used to find more detailed tables and machine-readable datasets.